Avery Mathis, a loyal student of WHS, was in a devastating fire accident during Christmas of 2013. Her care in the hospital’s burn unit opened up the eyes of her family into the lack of socks for young burn victims. With the help of her mother, Shawna, the non-profit BrAvery Sock Foundation is running strong throughout the community. They are able to collect a countless number of silly socks to those in need.
The socks, ranging from infant to adult, can dropped off at all WISD campuses and at Polkadots, located at 503 Ferries Ave. Donations will be accepted April 1- 30. If you miss these dates, no worries. Polkadots will accept them beyond that date.
Once all socks are collected, they will be dropped of at Polkadots to be sorted, labeled, and counted depending on size. All proceeds then find their way to hospitals throughout the Metroplex and neighboring states.
Avery’s efforts have not gone unnoticed throughout the community. The Waxahachie Junior Service League awarded them $500 on March 20 for purchasing more socks and sending kids to burn camp. These efforts help troubled children forget the challenges they face each and every day on their long road to recovery.
For further information, you can follow the Bravery Sock Foundation on Facebook and Pinterest. To give silly toes for happy soles, donate today!