Tardy Tables

Tardy Tables


Tardies are a huge problem in any type of school. Usually the teacher would just count students tardy when they walked into class late. This method was not very effective, because teachers wouldn’t count students absent. It was just very inconvenient for the staff members. The staff that had been on campus a while requested for the “tardy table” to come back. “Teachers wanted the tardy table back, they liked it better. Also, students need to know that if they are tardy they have to come to class with pass,” said vice-principal, Debbie Gish. The process is less of a hassle and it is more accurate. It teaches responsibility to the high school  students that are regularly late to class. You would think that the long line of students would take out class time, but this process of counting tardies is really quick. “Usually, it only takes about 7 minutes,” said Vice-Principal, Debbie Gish. I asked WHS Vice-Principal, Debbie Gish , how she feels about the tardy process her response was,”I have mixed emotions about it. We all need to be accountable for our actions. Everyone needs to be treated equally. Also, this is what the teachers wanted and I want to support the WHS staff.” Ultimately the process of how tardies are handled is the quickest and most efficient way to record those who are late.