The student news site of Waxahachie High School

The Arrow

The student news site of Waxahachie High School

The Arrow

The student news site of Waxahachie High School

The Arrow

Groups Get Together To Help Harvey Victims

At Waxahachie’s first home game today, there will be a semi-truck to help collect items for Hurricane Harvey victims. In the early morning of a normal school day, two students stir up the courage to walk up to the principles office to make a change. They come up with an idea to put a semi-truck in the parking lot of the stadium to be filled with donations for victims of hurricane Harvey.

“Two young ladies approached me with the idea,” Principal Dr. Benskin said. “From there, I talked to Dr. Glenn (Superintendent) and he made it happen.”

What’s in it for the students? Other than free admission to the first home game tonight, they will understand their rolls in national disasters.

“Just Having the semi shows that we are a community that wants to help our fellow texans, especially as educators, we understand how hard it is to get kids in school because we know that’s where they need to be,” Mr.Reynolds said. “Just a little bit can show students how fortunate they are not to be down there through this but also show they have a responsibility to help.”

What can you donate that will help? Mrs. Mills, Librarian at WHS has given a few pointers.

“We are mostly collecting items for Hurricane Harvey Victims that the Red Cross does not cover such as feminine necessities and diapers,” Mills said. “It’s our way of giving back.”