Casas Leads WHS Into New Year

This year Waxahachie High School has welcomed a new principal as we have moved into the new facilities. Adan Casas was the Finley Junior High Principal, which means around half of the current
student body has already had him as a principal before this year.

“He has the same positive and encouraging energy as he did as a Junior High Principal,” said Freshman Daisy Calderon, a former Finley student.

And it is clear that this energy is carried into every part of his day. While it is true that Mr.Casas’s singing is a very new and different addition to the Tribe Time announcements, people have said that his singing adds a little bit of a joy to the usually tedious daily announcements.

“His singing is hilarious,” said freshman Macie Morton.

However, other students feel like there is no reason for his singing. Some have even said he needs to stop it immediately.

“Love him but not his voice,” said sophomore Madison Johnson.

Since Mr. Casas has arrived at the high school he has made some big changes. He’s allowed students to wear sweatpants on Fridays and have their phones out in the halls. Some students are saying since his rules are more lenient they are enjoying school more.

“He has made many big improvements,” said sophomore Silvana Sierra.

Teachers believe these improvements have changed the way students think about school.

Broadcasting teacher Conrad Bates said, “If you give students a certain amount of respect and freedom they will give more respect to the rules.”

Other students have not been as accepting about the change. They feel like Mr. Casas is over positive and fake to them.

However, most students seem to be accepting and happy with the new principal, Adan Casas. He has made great improvements and everyone is looking forward to a great year.