New year, new principal, new dress code


One of the notable dress code changes at WHS.

With a new superintendent, Dr. Bonnie Cain, and a new principal, Tonya Harris, there comes different rules and a new dress code. The response to the new rules has been mixed.

“Last year, I wore comfortable leggings and hoodies all the time and there was never a problem,” Sophomore Dillon Wheeler said. “This year I have to wake up earlier so I can find an acceptable outfit for me to not be a distraction.”

A few students find they have to work harder to find something appropriate to wear to school; however, others see the situation from a different angle.

“I’m happy they made some of the rules stricter, because so many kids were wearing things that were too showy for school,” sophomore Olivia Epps said. “Nobody really wanted to see that anyways.”

These changes have affected many students routines in the morning and how they dress, while some were confused when asked how they viewed the school cracking down on dress code.

“Which part got stricter?” said Freshman Cali Wingo.

The administrators have been enforcing the rules, but the school board loosened up on some dress code rules. Girls can now wear nose piercings, and boys are allowed to have stud earrings, and sweat pants and athletic shorts are allowed every day.

“I like girls being able to wear nose piercings now because they’re cute,” Sophomore Hannah Russell said.

While the students responses vary, administrators view the change in an optimistic light. Jenny Bridges, WISD director of public relations, expressed her fondness of the student body when asked about the reaction.

“The students have done a fantastic job adapting to and respecting the new dress code,” said Bridges. “We have a great group of students at WHS, and I am constantly impressed by their poise, maturity, and intelligence.”