Four Year Swim Team Veteran Becomes Team Captain


As the overhead speaker blared in the Ninth Grade Center, Trista Mitchell heard an announcement that would change the next four years of her life.

“I didn’t know we even had a swim team,” said Mitchell.

During the announcements, Mitchell learned that the WHS swim team tryouts were next week. Without really knowing what to expect, she tried out. Now, she is a senior and one of the team captains. Mitchell has found her place on the swim team.

“Last year was the first year we had captains,” said Mitchell, “Seeing how much of a difference having captains made, I knew I wanted to be one.”

As captain, Mitchell is in charge of making sure everyone completes their sets and has everything they need for practice and meets. Being a captain, to Mitchell means being a strong leader to everyone on her team.

A difficult challenge that captains and teams will face this year is the Coronavirus. This season’s swim practices and meets are looking a little different. Instead of having twenty to thirty teams at a meet, there are only three teams competing at a time. Another big change this season is no spectators are allowed to attend meets. With no spectators, it is up to the team members to cheer on the athletes competing.

“Although I have enjoyed being apart of the swim team for four years, I will not continue to swim competitively after high school,” Mitchell said, “After high school, I want to attend nursing school and hopefully work in a hospital.”

“Swim has given me a home at WHS, and I am so grateful for that. I will miss my team and coach so much, but I know this experience will shape my life forever.”