Adjustments and changes of Emylee Vernon


Emylee Vernon is a junior in high school. She recently moved to Waxahachie from her hometown in Ohio. She is currently preparing to compete on the Waxahachie’s ladies’ running track team.

Vernon has been having a hard time transitioning to her new life in Waxahachie. Moving from state to state was hard on her because she had to leave all her old friends behind. She said, “The move has had both a positive and negative effect on me because I have met new friends, which is good. However, it’s been hard to catch up in school.”

She has been running track since the seventh grade, and her favorite event is the 300-meter hurdles. Her future plan is to attend college to be a sports physiologist.“The difference between Waxahachie’s and Ohio’s track program is Ohio’s track program wasn’t a part of the school; it was an extra event you could do outside of school. Also, Ohio’s team didn’t have air conditioning,” she said.

Moving to WHS, Vernon felt nervous because there were more people here than at her school. She quickly lapsed into confusion because WHS is bigger than her old school, which means that it is harder to navigate.

Vernon said, “Being on WHS’ track team is different because everything here is more intense and me being from Ohio, I’m not used to it.” 

Although, Vernon has started to make a lot more friends here, mostly on the track team, and she has found her way around the school.

“Even though the adjustments here can be hard, I will work through it,” Vernon said.