Sophomore Hopes for Future Spotlight


The stadium lights make their costumes shine with striking luminosity. In the silence of instruments, shimmering cloth ripples in the air fighting for the perfect angle. 

A little one gasps in awe. 

The crowd erupts in ovation. 

And performers beam in absolute bliss.

“I think the best part of Colorguard will be when the crowd starts cheering for you,” Jennifer Cruz said, “It gives you more inspiration to do your best.”

Cruz is a sophomore who wishes to join Colorguard for the last few years of her high school career.

“I want to join guard because I like how they perform and look like a family. They stick up for each other,” Cruz said.

She has tried out for cheer and other extracurriculars alike. As a result, Cruz knows the traits that she likes in a person when they are instructing her on how to do work, a move, or a toss.

“I want someone that has experience with it and someone that has patience with me,” Cruz said.

Entertainers perform to many different styles of music such as classical and jazz pieces.

“I would like to perform to pop because I like to move around and just show off my moves,” Cruz said.

Manuel Rocha and Cruz met about four and a half years ago, in the sixth grade. It was then that they became friends; now, they are closer than ever.

“One kind act I have seen Jenny do multiple times is helping people understand something they might’ve not understood, and actually making sure they get it,” Rocha said. “Also simply just being kind to people no matter who they are.”

When Cruz is a senior, it will be a state competing year. As a result, the marching band will need to have as many band and Colorguard members as possible. Mrs. Armstrong, the Colorguard director, is looking to have fifty members on the field which is around double what we had this season including the graduating seniors.

“Something that would make Jennifer a great person to be in the band and/or color guard with is her positive and optimistic attitude,” Rocha said. “Band and guard can take up a lot of time of your day. That plus all of your academic worries may add up, and just make you feel stressed. I feel that she is the type of person to lift someone up if they are having a rough time at practice or any event like that.”

Cruz would add some fun and positive atmosphere to the marching band family.

“If my family were to describe me they would say I’m outgoing,” Cruz said. “They would tell you that I make everyone laugh, I’m funny, I’m just always happy, and you will almost never see me down.”

Cruz would be an amazing addition to the next competition season with her eagerness to learn, optimistic personality, and ability to make anyone feel better.

“If I could only describe Cruz in three words I would say: outgoing, funny, and caring,” Tania Herrera, Cruz’s best friend, said.

All of these qualities should help Cruz with her future plans.

“When I was little I wanted to be an architect,” Cruz said, “I have changed. I want to be a physician now.”

Whatever the future holds, one thing she hopes is to stay at WHS.

“I hope I don’t have to move from the school like go to global or change states, just stay with my normal life.”