WHS Soccer makes changes for the 2020-2021 Season


The men’s soccer team has recently dropped their freshman team for 2020-2021 season and replaced it with a Junior Varsity Two team. The coaches did this not only to diversify the teams but to give certain players more playing time and make the teams as strong as possible. The teams have officially been announced now. The only undetermined team is the Junior Varsity Two, meaning that any player, regardless of grade or age, can be moved down.

Men’s soccer player Landon Gilmore said, “I’m ready for our season to start. I’ve practised a lot, and I’m ready to face the new teams in our district, but due to the virus, anything can happen. And I know I speak for all of my teammates when I say I’m worried about our season getting cancelled.”

In the woman’s soccer varsity, there are twenty girls in the squad, due to covid-19. If any players are required to quarantine, they are able to obtain more players from other teams to be able to gather their strongest eleven.

Woman’s soccer player Victoria Falcon said, “I am worried about having to constantly loose players, and I am also worried about our soccer season getting cancelled due to covid-19, especially since it’s my senior year.”

Changes have been made for during the games as well. Woman’s soccer is now required to bring their own water bottles and is required to keep distance and wear their masks when on the bench to reduce the possibility of being exposed to the virus. The Men’s soccer team has ordered every player their own bottle to keep up with so no player has to use the same bottle, players also have to keep their distance and wear their masks when on the bench to reduce the possibility of getting sick.