Students reflect on their favorite teachers

The average school day in Texas is a little over seven hours long, so teens spend a large portion of their weekdays with administrators and teachers. Kids learn and develop through everyday interactions, and teachers can play a critical role in the attitudes, motivation, and success of the adolescents they teach.
By building relationships with students, teachers at Waxahachie High School create an environment conducive to learning that meets the needs of the students. Students at WHS were asked to describe a teacher that had the most impact on them this school year and explain how.
“Mrs. Ivey is probably my favorite teacher,” freshman Keris Cole said. “She teaches my Biology class. She is really understanding and compassionate.”
“Mrs. Major had the biggest impact on me this year because she helped me get through hard times,” sophomore Kadence Alexandra said.” I could always talk to her, and she would always listen.”
“Mrs. Dormady was the most impactful teacher because she is the one who pushed me the most when it came to going to college,” said junior Tamodrick Davis-Robertson.
“Mrs. Foreman is the teacher that had the most impact on me this year,” said senior Ellie Bishop. “She pushed me to do hard things and has helped me become a better person and a future teacher.”
“Mrs. Hale taught me how to keep up with my school work and get it done on time. She helped me learn to do stuff on my own, said freshman Jace Laza.
“Mrs. Downey impacted me most because she teaches me how to do math,” said sophomore Phineas Turner.
“The teacher that had the biggest impact on me during my Junior year was probably Mrs. Teague, the one upstairs,” said junior Kyla Bullocks. “She was the sweetest and always made sure you understood what you needed to do.”
“Mr. Harris and Buster in the automotive section of the school have taught me everything I know about cars, and they helped me get a job at a dealership,” said senior Aaron Darling.
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