Band reveals 2023 marching show

Since the end of the 2022 marching season, the directors of the WHS band have worked alongside a team of designers to produce a new marching show for the 2023 marching season.

Over the last few months, concepts have been thrown back and forth, and the band directors have sifted through endless hours of music to achieve the perfect composition for the show. However, after a highly anticipated wait, the show was finally revealed to the public at last Wednesday’s band booster meeting.

The marching production that the Waxahachie Band will be preforming during the 2023 season is entitled “1849”, and it will depict the journeys of the gold rush through field design, music, props, and costumes.

“I think it is going to be cool because of the historical factors,” freshman Olivia Longoria said. “I’m very curious about the costuming just based on what they have told us about the show.

The musical composition for the 2023 marching show is expected to be more demanding than ever for the students of the band. Students have been given the first look at the opening music of 1849, which will consist of “Theme from Yellowstone” by Brain Taylor and feature a flugelhorn soloist.

“The music is hard but it’s doable,” freshman Donny Brackenridge said. “Nevertheless I’m excited and it sounds fun to play.”