Angel Tree: A Big Success

Angel Tree: A Big Success

A WHS Christmas tradition since 1995, Angel Tree continues to bring the high school together to provide for the less fortunate in the district. This year, WHS students provided Christmas gifts for 76 kids across WISD.

“We started with only a few angels, and it’s really grown over the years,” said head librarian Megan Mills.

The process begins well before December arrives. Counselors reach out to needy families, who then write out their Christmas lists. Those lists are then passed to the librarians, who set up the tree itself. Students and staff then take an angel and bring the gifts back to the library, at which point they are given to their respective families.

“I’m amazed at the generosity of students and staff this year,” said librarian Darlene Bann. “We’ve received over 200 gifts.”

Students themselves are also on board.

“I want other kids that are not as fortunate to have a good Christmas,” said junior Mia Charles.

“I feel that since my family has been blessed, I can bless others,” said junior Mackenzie Hines.

With this kind of student participation, it’s easy to see why Angel Tree has been a holiday mainstay of Waxahachie High.