Mental Health Mondays


Here at WHS, we have Mental Health Mondays in the library every Monday afternoon.

Ms. Mills is one of our school librarians. When asked about what gave her the idea to start up Mental Health Mondays, she said, “Covid is not only impacting adults mental health, but it is also impacting kids, that’s what inspired me to start.”

Some of the different activities they do are color, listen to music, and this past week they made a mask. The outside of the mask was how people see them. Then on the inside of the mask is how they see themself.

Ms. Mills wants to continue to do this every Monday all year, and she is hoping that Mental Health Mondays become a tradition here at WHS. As of right now, the only people that are going are the Interact club and some kids that see the counselor about their mental health but Ms.Mills is hoping to expand and get more kids to come.

Some other staff that helps with mental health Mondays are the library staff and counselors. If you’re a student here at WHS and are struggling with mental health or just stressed about whatever, this is a great opportunity to relax and not worry about anything.