Junior year stock show season was success


Spring ag shows have recently come to an end. For the Kaufman Christmas Classic 2021, my pig and I placed first and second.  In the Cowboy Classic 2022, Whiskey (my pig) and I got the ball rolling, second in ring A , third in ring B. I kept her under control, head up, not too much force on the whip, and she read every one of my signals. Both of the judges loved her skin and her spotted dots.

At the San Antonio Stock Show in February, Whiskey and I walked into the ring at 1:50. There were 10 pigs that were eligible to place, and there were three pins to make it to the second ring, and Whiskey and I  made it! The judge did tell me that she needed more fat under her jaw/chin and he would’ve placed me higher. He told me she was a good-looking gilt but she did need more fat. Overall, this show season has been an amazing experience. I cannot wait for the next show season with my amazing team and another great year with my breeder! Senior year take on!